"Spider-Man 4 is dead forever. Sony canned the project and spearheaded the reboot, due next year. I'll look into Voltron."

"@Hellomynameis Thanks for the input. If I ever make a "Things I Don't Care About" list, your opinion will probably crack the top 10 ;)"

"Ditto on Meet Joe Black. It's a movie I find myself watching a lot. The soundtrack is particularly beautiful, and I have it on iTunes. It's played quite constantly."

"Mad Max 4 is apparently filming next year, so it'd look a bit like a superfluous addition to the list at this stage with that knowledge already commonplace. And yeah, John Carter of Mars is already i"

"Will this help put things into perspective? http://www.flixster.com/movie-list/my-non-serious-top-50"

"Uh, Hitman? Huh? It was rated R. o.O A PG-13 rating gave the Bourne series class? Are you serious? Swearing is a natural part of the human expression. If somebody feels anger, regret, sadness or any "

"The Lovely Bones is an excellent suggestion, lotr23. I shall add it to the list. I even addressed the PG-13 rating in the final paragraph of my review. http://www.listal.com/viewentry/567307"

"Total Recall is a fucking masterpiece. It's absolutely perfect in its current form. One of my favorite movies ever. Why would you approve of a remake?!"

"Max, I actually suggest you read my reasoning as to why the remake is unnecessary ;)"

"Dude, seriously, Indiana Jones 4 is almost universally hated. Maybe not by critics, but definitely by viewers (and to me, viewers' opinions count far more than critics). Open your eyes. Even Shia LaDo"

"http://implied.facepalm.de/facepalm_implied.jpg This is the second time you've epically failed while commenting on one of my lists. You have delusions of grandeur if you think Home Alone 2, The Lost "

"Cheers, Ross. Remember...curiosity killed the film-goer ;)"

"Ross, if people do not realize that saying my list is "incorrect" or "almost spot-on" is the most patronizing way to comment on a list, they need to open their eyes. If people say they do not fully a"

"My bad, Giraffe. Guess I wasn't concentrating because the film wasn't worth the effort ;) Fixed. Thanks."

"Can't we just agree that it's a given that practically nobody will agree with everything on this list? Do you people sit back and realize how disrespectful it sounds to say *MY* list is "incorrect" o"

"It did indeed suck seeing Arnie as a kind gentle Terminator, and the softened body count did indeed suck in T2. For me, there's only one REAL Terminator movie, and that's T1. Because in it you see Arn"

"Doesn't matter if the Matrix was always designed to be a trilogy. The sequels were rubbish and it genuinely felt like they forced them. George Lucas always wanted to tell the Star Wars prequels since "

"We can't all have the same opinions, eh ;) Vieras, I appreciate your comment and your viewpoints a lot! While I have not seen Psycho II, it's the principle of the sequel I disapprove of mainly. The o"

"I approve - a good, balanced mix of the small and the big movies. Commendable that you get the chance to see so many of those "under the radar" flicks."

"Haven't seen The Neverending Story or its sequels, but I may have to investigate."

"Except Friday the 13th was never a great or even a decent or good movie :P Hated the original. Hated the second. Detested the third. Found the "reimagining" subpar. Far as I'm concerned, they can do w"

"Of course I don't agree with all... But there are enough that I agree with to warrant a vote ;)"

"I hated Red. Boring piece of toned-down crap. It sits on this list for a damn good reason. Why say Red was good, and ask me if you're right? That just makes you look stupid."

"I haven't seen Stone. I recommend making your own list :)"

"LOL thanks mate. XD. I have seen the Cape Fear remake, but don't remember it much. To be honest I didn't think it was great, but I will revisit it someday."

"Oh, I loved Avatar. Yeah, the story is nothing special, but everything else was top-notch in my opinion. The emotion. The effects. The characters. The action. The ideas. I saw it an advanced screening"

"I hated The Fountain, to be honest. Haven't seen Eraserhead."