"@l8t3r I'm happy for you, bonehead. But with each "Its dead" announcement we get another more optimistic announcement. Remember when Anchorman 2 was dead?"

"Bumped it up to #2 since it's manlier than The Expendables. And I've added your reasons ;)"

"Nice Try, But I did not understand what hype has to do with anything. I watch a film just when I feel like watching it. So the Hype thing not withstanding. Unfortunately 90% of these movies are closer"

"You know, I've been hearing rumors about that sort of thing being invented. You never know :) DO WANT!!!"

"So I can come crash at yours, yeah? And heh, I probably will see Jaws on the big screen. In fact a Sydney cinema is doing a Jaws/Jurassic Park double feature this month that I may attend. But as I sa"

"@JPHOLT I want your life... @phillydude Haha, let's put it like this. I would rather watch Predator over GWTW and Casablanca, and I love Predator more than both movies."

"Sounds like a plan! Soon this list will have a list of accolades attached to it... "Recommended by Oprah! Translated into one language, including Turkish!" etc etc"

"You paid $2.50 to see Wrath of the Titans? I work at a cinema, dude. Staff discount. $3 for 2D sessions, $2.50 for 3D. Not sure why 3D is cheaper, but I'm not complaining."

"nicely done list - shame about the choices of films http://tinyurl.com/cx7mwd4"

"I do consider my haters to be a privilege. Means I've gotten to people! :D"

"The first thing I thought when I saw your comment was "I wonder who wrote that, because they have the writing skills of a 2-year-old.""

"Good lord, you're lucky to have that theatre reliving the summer of '82. So many classics were born that year. Can I fly over and stay with you while the screenings happen? :) Conan the Barbarian, Ma"

"Too much people being called retarded in one list for my taste. Meh, whatever, I dont feel so strongly about it ;) Nothing wrong with having zero tolerance for stupidity. I donยดt ever talk about movi"

"Yah, RR said the same thing a year ago. I even included that in the entry. Thanks, Captain Obvious."

"All of these films created imitators who failed, but many succeeded. Correct. And my point is that nobody cares as much as they should about the good imitators because all the bad ones have turned aud"

"Oh no you DIDN'T... You didn't just have your own opinion! My opinion rules!"

"I expect to see "It was too long" on here next...or perhaps "I heard it was really long, so I'm not going to watch it." "Too long" is a genuine criticism though, IMO. Even the greatest films of all ti"

"I don't think anyone hates "Disctrict 9" for the absurd reason you put Gee, really?! You mean I really haven't heard anyone say that before when I know I have? *rolls eyes* but rather because, throug"

"Thanks for the comments! Although, I don't like when someone's favorite movie was made in the last five years. It irks me even more when someone's favorite movie is STILL in theaters. See, that's the "

"Because those types of people are fast becoming the majority, and that's a worrying thing. My father and brother adhere to these stereotypes, and it's embarrassing to share movies with them."

"Two excellent suggestions, they shall be added to the list!"

"Gay marriage is illegal, but retards are allowed to flourish? Urgh."

"Nah, I'm a huge Rambo fan. And while 2&3 are cartoonish action films, the fourth is a marvellous companion piece to First Blood and the first Rambo movie to adhere to the original novel's tone."

"Don't forget that Del Toro backed out of The Hobbit after being attached for so long!!"

"I've seen a version of Blade Runner, but I'm not sure which... And I wasn't crazy about it. Don't think there's much point going into the movie since there are so many different edits, lol."

"1. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King 2. Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring 3. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 4. Commando 5. Predator 6. Die Hard 7. RoboCop 8. Blues Brothers 9. Saving Pr"