"Cheers. I've almost exhausted my ideas for regular movie lists, editorials seem to be the next logical step. If I have an idea, I'll run with it and see how I go."

"Let's see if I can get through this list as it is first, lol."

"Absolutely, dude, it's why I mentioned that international ratings are much better than the American rating. But because North America is the biggest single worldwide market, the American rating is th"

"You forgot George Miller, he gets my vote. Dude's freaking insane."

"Actually, Titanic got away with showing nipples because you only see one nipple at any given time. Cameron is clever like that, because you don't realise it until it's pointed out. And if you think ab"

"It's all about tact, really. Kill Bill was undeniably a girl power thing, but it was done with tact. The Bride gets her revenge, and the way she kills David Carradine is tactfully handled. But Tarant"

"Have you considered starting up your own blog, man? Do you already have one? I write for two websites, Manly Movie and Squabblebox, so various articles do pop up on those sites. Would add "dance conte"

"Yeah, but there's a line. Having female action heroes like Sarah Connor or Ellen Ripley is fine, but Death Proof's trio of female leads just came off like girl power stereotypes who were enjoying the "

"I actually like Over the Hedge. I just take issue with the repeat use of the formula, it's getting old. Kids deserve better. And I don't find the stereotypical personalities offensive at all. I'm an "

"The show just landed in HD on one of the streaming services I subscribe to. It's on my list."

"Possibly... But I literally have about 100 shows I already wanna watch, lol."

"I agree, your own individual bias can cause you to overrate a movie, but when the illusion wears off, it's often pretty ugly. I actually used to love TDK and you can still see my glowing review on thi"

"First off, I have subscribed to an on demand TV/movie service, no commercials, including original language, and it's probably cheaper than buying the discs. But can you honestly tell me that EVERY mov"

"Thanks, man. I find I have more fun with editorials, I've exhausted movie and TV lists methinks."

"Not quite. I asked Dolph Lundgren about EX4, he said that he doesn't know about the wheels turning just yet, but he thinks there'll be another."

"The 80s -- best action movies, best comedy movies, best music, best fashion. It's a goldmine of awesome."

"Thanks, mate. I've found that editorials are more interesting than pure movie lists :)"

"Of course, nothing would please me more than for the DCCU to be awesome, it's too early to tell, but this list is just speculation based on current evidence, of course. I hope Suicide Squad is awesom"

"Thanks for the comment, Stehako! I decided not to touch on Prometheus because I like it, and we'll leave it at that. It's too big a can of worms to open. I haven't seen Exodus. Oliver Stone is a ver"

"I care so very little, I almost passed out."

"Different strokes for different folks... I can't stand Malick's movies."

"Most of these I agree with with except for Mean Girl 2. You can't hace the same cast cause they became friends. I just wish the script was better. Hm. So because they couldn't have the same cast, does"

"Can you add Justin Chatwin as Goku in Dragon Ball Evolution on the list please? His role in the movie was horrible. I haven't seen the movie, mate. And by the sounds of things I don't think I want to."

"I also feel nostalgic thinking about The Phantom and how different superhero movies were back then... Oh absolutely. I do enjoy today's superhero movies, but I like the '90s style, with their wonderfu"

"Actually, you're late on the Seven Samurai remake, Hollywood did remake the movie inter The Magnificent Seven. Omg really?!?!? I didn't know :O"