"The Guest was a pleasure to watch, not only for men's eyes! Can we take a minute to talk about Dan?! Lol, Spunkeroo on this site has a man-crush on Dan."

"Yeah, I pretty much gave up after reaching a certain number of movies."

"You're a sexist idiot. Just because a girl has big tits doesn't mean she can be smart? Because she doesn't LOOK smart? Way to miss my entire point you judgemental cunt. You're the only sexist one her"

"Thanks for all the kind comments. This list actually started life simply as an "Alternate Casting Choices" list, but I thought a miscast actors list would make more sense in the long run, so I just co"

"1. Ron Swanson (Nick Offerman on Parks and Recreation) 2. Walter White 3. Bernard Black (Dylan Moran on Black Books) 4. Captain Mal Reynolds (Nathan Fillion on Firefly) 5. Jeff Murdock (Richard Coyle "

"Is this list open to suggestions? Of course it is my friend! I'll have to mull over a better Norman, and I'll add it to the list :)"

"Thanks mate. Haha yeah, I do agree, but a man can dream."

"What about "Primeval", i personally never watched it, but i was just wondering if you had. 0/10, wish I could erase it from my memory. Do not watch."

"Rocky and Rambo should be in this list too. Nup, I love all Rocky films except for V, and I adore all four Rambo movies, especially the fourth one. And Die Hard. Die Hard 2&3 are masterpieces."

"Yeah, it's unfortunate. And all the more so because physical media is slowly dying and studios want that push towards digital downloads and the like. You tuned into the whole 4k thing yet? Yup. And h"

"What's the reasoning, I wonder, of the studios refusing to dish out blu-ray versions? It's a matter of money. Creating a proper HD master of a title can cost millions; they have to re-scan the origina"

"You gave 'Knowing' a '7', yet it didn't work for you? I meant the ending didn't work for me ;)"

"I was about to vote for this list, but I've already done so ;)"

"I was thinking of shoving it down your throat, but it seems you already have multiple dicks blocking the passage 24/7. Hmm. Your loss."

" Only a dickhead would use the expression Epic Fail in the context you have, i.e., like a child sticking his tongue out at someone. Aww you're cute. We got a live one, folks! You then go on to call th"

"Death Wish has already been remade....it was called Death Sentence. Not an official remake, but still a remake as much as it ripped it off. Death Sentence is actually based on the sequel novel to Deat"

""Fruit is devil"? Read what I wrote again, numbnuts. Fructose, the sugar in fruit, is the devil. It entices you by making you think you're being healthy when it tastes yum...when it's really stunting "

"But I disagree with the first two Harry Potter films Most people get shocked at my dislike for HP. Perhaps I am too harsh towards it, but it's just quite simply not for me. Others are welcome to it, t"

"Boy, it would be nice to see some REASONS why you liked these movies."

"This is a very very old list, I can't be bothered updating it. Suffice it to say, a lot of titles would be added, some would be taken away. Carrie is definitely out."