Viewed: All 9 episodes
I'm not entirely sure why Man vs. Bee is a TV show as opposed to a movie. With only nine pint-sized episodes (most of which only run for 10 minutes), there is scarcely 100 minutes of content during this season and it plays out like a movie. But here we are, and Man vs. Bee exists as a very easily binge-able Netflix series - and it's a lot of fun. Rowan Atkinson has this sort of physical comedy down to a fine art; this is essentially a more talkative Mr Bean trying his hand at housesitting, and it's surprisingly enjoyable. Although not a patch on classic Mr Bean, this is still a slick, funny and easily digestible production, and it's clear that Atkinson had fun making it. It's inoffensive, too, so it will appeal to most age groups. I can't see myself watching this again and again, but I'm glad I gave it my time.