The fifth of November,
The gunpowder treason and plot.
I know of no reason
Why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot."
V for Vendetta is a monumental science fiction action-thriller, denoting the duly excellent redemption of The Wachowski Brothers. After helming two horrendously disappointing sequels to their landmark sci-fi picture The Matrix, the brothers have irrevocably redeemed themselves for past blunders with estimable elegance. This outstanding comic book blockbuster is everything one could possibly desire - it's exhilarating, riveting, intense, chilling, electrifying, heartbreaking and extraordinarily entertaining. V for Vendetta is fundamentally a cautionary tale about the rise of fascism and totalitarianism, but it thankfully packs summer-movie pyrotechnics to accompany.
Based on the Vertigo/DC Comics graphic novel (by Alan Moore, illustrated by David Lloyd), V for Vendetta is a futuristic action film set in a dystopian vision of 2020 London. In the wake of a series of devastating terrorist attacks, Chancellor Adam Sutler (Hurt) has ascended to unmitigated supremacy. The general public have forfeited their independence for security; accustomed to exist in a relentless condition of apprehension. Consequently, the perception of constitutional rights for citizens has vanished completely.
A freedom fighter only known as 'V' (Weaving) exercises terrorist diplomacy in an effort to combat the tyrannical society. On the night bridging the fourth and fifth of November, a young British woman named Evey (Portman) is caught by a horde of secret policemen violating the inequitable curfew. The swashbuckling vigilante anarchist V, concealed behind a mask of Guy Fawkes, rescues Evey and she develops into his dubious ally.
Invoking the spirit of Fawkes, V begins the fifth of November by blowing up the Old Bailey to the strings of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture. He subsequently ignites a subversive rebellion, marching towards breaking down the fascist government that has taken jurisdiction of Great Britain and has committed atrocities that led the country to its existing condition. V endeavours to eventually reinstate freedom and justice to Britain, as opposed to a society burdened with malice and corruption.
The Wachowski Brothers humbly stepped away from the director's chair, instead adopting a sideline position as writers and producers. Newcomer James McTeigue is an ideal replacement, capable of infusing the film with breathtaking visual flair. Action sequences generally exercise slow motion, but it never grows monotonous. This is one of the only films in history to use slo-mo effectively, which is a testament to the direction and superb cinematography.
V for Vendetta is a solid action film that delivers an insightful political message. The film flawlessly merges a socio-political statement with highly intense stylised action scenes featuring some of the finest cinematic moments of 2005. V for Vendetta is saturated with issues and concepts that permeate the global political climate of the early 21st century, and is endowed with an immense timely relevance that belies its trappings as a mere action adventure. The film is equipped with an intelligent character-driven plot coalesced with greatly assured direction generating the illusion of complete immersion. The action is enthralling and the imagery is stimulating. In addition, the film is kept taut as it moves along at an invigorating pace. The script is smart, thoughtful and provocative. The powerful score is also incredible. Classic orchestral overtures are employed to astonishing effect as an act of anarchy is implemented.
The imagery of 2020 London is marvellously conceived and executed. The intricate metropolis has become grim, depressing and dark. Production design is first-rate, and the top-notch cinematography captures it with consummate skill. The world of V for Vendetta was created mostly with sets and miniatures in Berlin, with some local landscape to finish the portrait of a more noir-ish and sinister London. The filmmakers commendably eschew stereotypical futuristic concepts. There are no flying cars, nor are there any truly notable technological revelations - it never tries to predict any outlandish technology for the future. For this reason (and for many others, like the rare usage of special effects that never exhibit the slightest iota of phoniness), V for Vendetta will never grow outdated.
Hugo Weaving is impeccable in his portrayal of the violent anarchist 'V'. Throughout the movie his face is never revealed as there is no need. V is permanently concealed behind a mask of Guy Fawkes. The mask is not to disguise his identity but it rather acts as a symbol to proclaim his rebellion. The real Guy Fawkes was a Catholic terrorist who unsuccessfully attempted to blow up the British Houses of Parliament in the 1600s. V is a violent man; however his actions are supported by strong logical reasoning. Society becomes governed by fear and violence. As a counteraction, fear and violence is therefore the ideal instrument for change. Weaving's role would have been tremendously challenging to execute as he is always donning a mask; relying solely on his gestures and voice. In all likelihood, V's face is never exposed on account of Weaving's appearance in the Matrix movies - there were so many copies of him (as Mr. Smith) that the actor probably opted to keep his face concealed throughout this film's duration.
Opposite the first-rate Weaving is young Natalie Portman, displaying her unremitting capacity as an actress. She even sports a symbolic Joan of Arc hair-cut in the movie's second half. Evey is the real anchor of the story. The audience automatically empathises with her. She's a reflection of their hopes and fears, and functions as a mirror. She has immense chemistry with Weaving as V, regardless of his face forever being masked. The character of Evey is more impetuous and independent than her comic book counterpart, to the betterment of the film.
The supporting cast is armed with magnificent names like John Hurt, Stephen Rea, and Stephen Fry in addition to numerous others. Hurt in particular is perfect as the narcissistic and cruel tyrannical ruler; ranting and salivating in true fascist style.
Believe the hyperbolic hype regarding this motion picture - V for Vendetta is an outstanding multi-faceted sci-fi production. In addition to being an astonishingly entertaining film it also poses the question of what you're willing to surrender for security. With the contemporary world ruled by fear and dismay, would you renounce your freedom to feel more safe and secure? The film also serves a reminder that the term "terrorist" is defined purely by perspective. As the media poisons us against terrorist actions and utilises propaganda to promote its country, V for Vendetta subtly questions who the terrorists actually are - the anarchists or the government?
V for Vendetta is a revolutionary production that uses its imagery and underlying philosophies as a medium to trigger thought. It's uncommonly provocative for a mainstream movie, and it's pervaded with a marvellous comic book ambiance faithful to its source material. Natalie Portman and Hugo Weaving are a spellbinding duo, and first-time director James McTeigue (who was a second-unit director for The Wachowski Brothers during their Matrix years) demonstrates his ability to stand on his own two feet. In a modern cinematic world, blockbusters prevail and masterpieces are limited. V for Vendetta is both a blockbuster and a masterpiece. It's entertaining and enjoyable, as well as stirring, moving and filled with emotionality. You'll enjoy, you'll cry, and you'll be taking heed of V's immortal words.